SHOPPPPINGGGG!!! which is my favorite excersice. hahahaha... so, last 2 weeks we decided to take Maryam to Mothercare for the first time. usually, i would go there without bringging my baby. but the last time we when, the sales girl actually requested me to bring maryam cos they wanted to meet her!! haaa...friendly dak depa?? hehehhe... actually, i am a regular customer & i know almost every sales assitant there. seriously. ;p. during my pregnancy, i must say almost every 2 weeks i would go to mothercare penang sebab gurney tu was my favourite hang out with my husaband masa i pregnant. so bila dah pi sana, wajib lah terjah mothercare tanpa motive pun xpa..masuk dan blah... sampai 1 tahap, i masuk just sembang2 dengan the sales assistants saja. heheheheh... so that's how we know the people there aside from being a member of mothercare. ;)
Hasil tawanan kali ni tak lah banyak sebab masa i pi tu, belom ada grand prix sale yg baru2 ni buat tu. this time around i wanted to buy Maryam some t-shirts & tights. no more skirts or girlish outfits. so we took la 1 set, baju, seluar. then masa nak bayar tu jatuh hati kat leggings yg harga rm9 longgok2 tu, so ambik lah 2 pairs. perasan tak baby tights Maryam is 6-9 months punya? sebab she is a long girl, the one 3-6 months was a bit short. so...that's why...
while i was busy at mothercare, Rizal took Maryam around. and they came back with a sport shoe for Maryam!! adoi... i don't really approve of it actually..but since her daddy bought it, pasrah saja la... no picture of the shoe here. lupa snap. (nampak sungguh tahap tak approve sampai tak amik pun gambaq)
mothercare is well known dengan baju2 yang dijual per set, kan! i love it~ |
then i walked around guney, i saw 1 booth selling GYMBOREE brands. wahhh rambang mata mak maryam oi... rasa nak angkut semua, tapi apa kan daya.. mak Maryam rakyat biasa... but, i guess beli GYMBOREE nih boleh botak sikit kepala. the green shirt alone had cost me RM59.90. the other 2 tak yah reveal la the price... rahsia. *gedik*
later that nite, i was doing my favourite "excersice" - blogshop. then i saw this simple & sweet romper by BABY PLACE. terus tangkap 1. murah ja, RM12 hehhh...
but Maryam is so not a drama queen. ;) |
baby tight by Carter. |
ohh, apa ni?? well, since Maryam is going to nursery, i was so frustrated with the way they wrote my baby's name on her stuffs. sangat tak kemas & worst part, the spell her name WRONG! so i got the idea to make things look nicer. get a set of sticker with her name on in and paste them all over her stuffs - bottle,tool box,bag,shower cream,etc & sometimes suka2 buat cam lencana sekolah lekat kat baju dia! hahahahha....and it's waterproof too!
cute isn't it? ;) 1 set consists of 100 stickers. RM12. |
see?? this is the sample how the wrote MARYAM's name. rimas tengok |
not much different -i still look like a pregnant woman! aisehhh... |
haa... ni masa orang sibuk shop for her stuffs, dia sebuk nak poo poo... luckily gurney is well equipped with baby's changing room & feeding room. selesa. lepas berak, minum susu skali...
well, i guess after having a baby, my obsessions towards buying things for myself has subsided. seriously... i dun mind wearing the same baju but i do mind if Maryam wears the same baju many times. and i think all mothers know that SHOPPING FOR THE LIL' ONE IS SOOOOO MUCH FUN! kan!! Also, buying things for ourselves dah jadi perkara terakhir on the list nowadays. dapat gaji ja, semua fikir beli apa2 untuk anak.
most of the time i shop for her unplannedly. Yes, I AM AN IMPULSE BUYER...and a worst one! Rizal would tell me to control my habbits, but can't help it. men won't really understand us kan? hehehhe..
Anyways, this entry is not meant to show off of anything, just to share with others who love shopping for baby. i also love reading other people's review on their shopping items. ;)
Maryam was spotted wearing Gymboree romper to her 4th month check up. ;) (hahah cam fashion police lak) |