The time is getting nearer... yeayyy.... i am very much looking forward to my convocation day which is happening very soon.... NEXT WEEK!! 30th April 2016 to be precise~ lantak lah kalau ada makhluk2 yang tak boleh berfikiran positive and happy for others turr nak kata i sangat over dan "perok buih" ( ni bahasa kampung i ja ni)... yang paham, paham lah! ;P
Nak konvo ni dilemma sangat nak bawak masuk sapa sebagai tetamu kali ni... during my previous time, masa buat 1st degree dulu it was very simple, sebab tak kawen my mak and my brother came to witness the occasion. the second time around ni i was confident enough yang my mak dan my husband yang akan jadi my guests to enter the hall - unfortunately, my mak said she might not enter the hall this time around, maybe faktor usia kot..dia rasa tak larat nak duduk berjam-jam lama dah... then my husband pulak kata dia rasa biar mak yang masuk dengan my niece and he would wait outside with Maryam which also i feel kesian pulak dia. We has planned for family photo later after i keluar dewan. sebab tu it's quite important for me to have my mak, my husband and my daughter to be there. Each graduate is only allowed to bring in 2 adults as guests sebab it is a fornal event, so children are not allowed. i wish Maryam could enter the hal to see me walking up the stage getting my scroll, it would be a good experience and exposure to her too. *sigh*
Then, i invited my eldest kakak to join in with her daughter (my niece yang i nak bawak tu), you know what she said?
"kakak hanya masuk dewan tu when u get your Ph.D nanti"
So, okay i pegi konvo kali ni sorang diri sajalah nampaknya.. keluar dewan nanti suruh depa semua mai kita pi begambaq kat kedai depan USM tu... selesai masalah. nak bergambar with friends macam zaman 1st degree dulu rasanya kali ni dah tak kuasa.. masing-masing mak2 dan pak2 orang dah...hahahha...
Ok, jomlah tengok cara pakai jubah, kalung dan topi konvo USM jap.. nak feeling sat. Our Academic Gown or pakaikan akademik or senang cerita jubah konvo sangatlah simple as compared to other Universities. Bukan sebab USM tak kreative ye.. it's actually jubah yang ada prestige okay. kalau tengok jubah2 universiti2 terkemuka dunia like Cambridge, Harvard, etc, semua simple kan!! perasaan tak? perasan tak???
I think this might be the last journey of me being on stage to grab my scroll.. i cannot see myself doing Ph.D so far. bukan sebab my CGPA teruk ka apa okay, mind you, my CGPA is a little over 3.5 this time ye. Alhamdulillah. BUT, maybe the road towards Ph.D belum lagi terbuka dari Yang Maha Esa. I have sooo many people who have so much faith in me to pursue the Ph.D but unfortunately i do not have the same faith in me. i am way toooo afraid to try. it is not something that you can just jump into and deal with kalau iman tak kuat i rasa... so, i kena banyak2 muhasabah diri dulu. Also cari sponsor, hehh!
As for now, i am pretty happy with who i am now. Alhamdulillah.
Next week dengan izin Allah, kita pakai baju konvo uols!!