Wednesday, November 25, 2009

back to work

entering my office this morning with half hearted damn tired and my body is sore all over from the activities i went through in Melaka for 5 i approached my desk i saw a stack of my student's assignments and 7 envolopes contained their final test paper... *sigh* honestly,at this very moment i have no heart to even count the papers... i couldn't care less! my heart is at my mak called me yesterday saying that she wanted to go to market on her own to buy stuffs for the raya haji...sedih lak when she said that...
so i took the leave form and filled it up the first thing in the morning and gave it to my boss...luckily i managed to stop her just in time cos she was rushing to a meeting with our director...she said "approved!" alhamdulillah...

so today, after the invigilation at the hall [well, im a good lecturer (heheh) i always make sure i attend my students' exam days (well, i worry more than them to be honest) ] i'm offfffffff to penang!!'s been more than a month since i last saw my mak...and this evening if i arrive early i will get to meet my fiance since his on a short course in penang too..yipppyyyyyyy.......ok, i may be sound silly here but we haven't had a chance to meet up after the engagement day...

i miss him!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


recieved a text msg from my niece this early morning telling me to pray for her to do well during answering her SPM starting today... ohh!! SPM..i almost forgot that today is the big day for them...hmm,..honestly SPM was the hardest exam in my life by far..nothing could compare to it..i mean i went through all the big examinations in the country..SPM,STPM..and all the exams back in Uni were not as neve recking as SPM...(well in my opinion lah).. i remeber the day of my SPM day...i was all nervous, swetty all over and my hands were shaking while ansewring the 1st paper...i couldn't write!! and i kept asking for more papers cos apparently i went blanked!...i mean the invigilator could notice that...and that right moment she approched me and said that i should relax...hahah...malu gila la..well, that exactly what i did..i stopped for a few minutes trying to compose myself and not looking and my friends who were actively answering the questions and writing..and writing and writing,..gosshhh!

well, i didn't do well in my SPM. =( i decided to go to form 6 cos i wanted to study...all my friends didn't want to pursue the form 6 cos back then it was considered not cool. u have to wear the school uniform and the went to college and poly...leaving me all alone in new school...

looking back, i would say that it was a blessing in disguise... i did well in my form 6 and managed to secure a place in 1 of the top uni in the country...hihih...and continued to do quite well in there..heheh..i never considered myself as an excellent student or something and in uni i was really really pemalas type of student...but i would make sure all my works were done on time and studied at the very last minute for my exams...burning the midnite oils etc... i miss those moments...

now, for my 2 nieces who are battling with SPM... i wish u girls all the very best of me u need all the lucks!hahahahha...gurau2...hmm, just remember that we actually have the control of our future... just imagine yourself in 10 years.. where are u? if u see yourself working your ass out and underpaid,..then that's exactly what u gonna be..on the other hand, if u picture youself doing what u have always wanted..sitting in a very comfortable chair in an airconditioned place with a lot of money...then work hard to achieve that! no pain no gain babe!!

also, we can never underestimate the late develeper...i mean a person could be all smart and scoring all A's throughout his or her years in schools but most of the time the "late developers" will overtake them..i mean through my experince being a "late developer" haha...i've seen my high school friends that were considered smart group and had all the teachers's atenttions to them but in the end, the kinda drifted apart from continuing being excellent.. biasa2 ja result and keja pun biasa2 ja, never ever judge people ok...*wink*

Monday, November 16, 2009

lagu Happy

this is the song i always always love to hear to overcome my monday blues....LAYAN!! (arghhhh...too many assignments to mark! i should have given less in future to reduce my burden!!)
Hatiku rasa bahagia
Pabila kau bersama
Tiada gundah gulana
Merosak hati kita
Mari kita berganding dengan tangan
Jauhkan segala peperangan
Kita cipta irama
Di dalam melodinya
Kita nyanyi bersama
Lebih baik cinta daripada benci..

Lebih baik setia dari iri hati…
Menyanyi dan menari sesuka hati…Janji kita!!…………………
Lebih baik cinta daripada benci..

Lebih baik setia dari iri hati…
Menyanyi dan menari sesuka hati…Janji kita!!………………….
Hakikat dia

sementara saja
Kembalikan ke waktunya

(by Amy Mastura)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

it opens my eyes.. job descriptions basically i teach at one of the higher learning instituitions..and this semester for the first time i have to complete 30 hours lecture for the final semester students and we're basically towards the end of the semester already... so for these students my lectures through out the whole sem deal with a lot on topics to prepare theme for job.. i must say i love all the topics that i tech this time around cos i get to create all the contents myself..

ok, so the final topic was about handling job interview... so i took extra effort to prepare a mock interview for all my final sem students...instead of having a normal presentations i change the format by doing interview for what i try to tell here is that, only through this method i find myself getting to know my students more rather that giving a normal lecture in the class.. through the interview, it opens my eyes widely and change many of my wrong perceptions towards many of my students.. i mean i just found that that many of them are very craetive people and the showed me lots of their previous works... i was speechless to see one of the students' photography works...they surprised me good.. i love the fact that his works are very professional the end,.. my student offered me to a very special price if i were to take him as mu wedding photographer...and i kinda like looking at his works so far... maybe i shuould include him into my list! ( well, honestly i have no list just yet but, i will remember to put him on my list of good photographer!hihi) so do click here to access to his previous works... to me, for a young adult like him to be able to do such flawless work... i give him 2 thumbs up!! =)

oh, btw.. our interview that was supposed to be a mock ineterview turned into a conversation on wedding photogrphy topic..adoi...

his work!...................>

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

for my Rizal

sungguh lama tidak bersua...( last jupa hari tunang) tidak sabar menuggu hari raya untuk berjumpa!! warghhhhhh windunyaaaaa sama dia!! :' (
what to do... we're miles apart... napalah my office is not infront of his house ka..apa ka...
p/s: for those yg rasa nyampah ja baca entry ni... jangan la kutuk ok..
pp/s: for my darling...i really mishhh mau nangis nihhh!

Friday, November 6, 2009

make me beautiful pls

i read somewhere that we need to make sure that skin care, brow shaping and makeup consultation are on our Bridal Checklist.. well very true indeed...we cannot just leave to the so called make up artist to do whatever they want on our face rite.we need to sit and discuss about it we won't end up looking weird or worst looking like a clown...and many stories that i have heard from friends they are just too afraid to complain about their make up during or after their make up is's like an unspoken rule between brides to be and the person who does the the make up. well, u can count me into this list! my friend said that i should never utter a word during the session. complain, no this, no that,just be quiet and wait till u are done.. that was exactly what i did..shut my mouth, try to remain calm and just hope for the best that i won't end up looking like a ghost!but god knows how fragile i was inside... =(

it amazes me everytime i see a beutifully done brides during their weddind glowing looking they are, how flawless their make up looks...and mostly i find myself surprise to look at the diffrent they look...i can only wish that during my day i will look at least good if not as beautiful as others..for me, make up is super important to enhance one's beauty and at the same time the make up that we wear must make us feel confident...

i'm still in search of a good make up artist around penang cos i really don't want to end up looking weird with a really heavy make up my opinion, a really good make up artist should know how to conceal our flaws by not complaining about our bad skin and such..i still can't forget my betie's experince about he make up during her cut the story short, she was conned by this so called make up artist when that hamba Allah did her make up and she was not happy with it ( ya la janji guna MAC tapi pakai mustika ratu..ada ka??) and she ended up having no confidence at all and that make up artist had the gut to say to her that "seri dah hilang la sebab nikah dah lama sangat" adussss...bedesing telingaku!!

i've seen a few make ups done by a few people in penang i mean..and so far i'm in no position to critic their works it's just that the make up for each bride looks the same... sama ja macam boring la tgk..sepesen.. and muka jadi garang bila dh siap make up..napa tah??i really need recommendations from people on this matter..just hope that i could find a good make up artist that could make me look and feel beautiful... =) *wink*

macam-macam hal la!

baiklah, like i said over and over again, my engagement was kinda not properly planned.. i took 2 days off from work to go home to settle everything i should.. and within that 2 days only i had a chance to do the fitting for my baju and to confirm my make up session.. yeah..i admit it was all my freaking fault ok! =( i went to only 5 bridal boutiques that suited my small budget cos the rest of them just toooo damn expensive for me...( well, gaji i ciput ja tau )so, u can imagine with that amount of time how could i achieve all that i wanted kan... when everthing was done at the very last minutes u could only succumb to whatever that is left infront of your eyes..i tried to search around for a simple baju but i failed miserably and honestly i was quite sad and still sad if think of it...(takpa la benda dh lepas)

all the bajus i came across, was not suitable for an engagement including my baju..but what to do..yang tu ja yang i muat ok over pun over la...the rest were either too dark, too hideous, too oudated, too glamorous, or basically too depressed to be in...susah nak jupa butique yang ada baju ok if u have limited time. why the heck didn't i tailor made my baju tunang ya?? well, easy... i must confess that i didn't know where to tailor it and i didn't have time.. ( sorry if u guys find this excuse so lame)i am not pemalas ok.. just that i was not used to it yet..tak pernah masuk butik pengantin, tak pernah berminat dengan aktiviti berkaitan wedding panning, and most importantly... LACK OF RESOURCES from all angels la...

before this i never read wedding mags and so on... i bought my 1st wedding mag 2 weeks before my engagement day! hahhah... so in nut shell, i'm gonna need a book entitle " WEDDINGS FOR DUMMIES" ada tak?? i need to start getting myself familiar with all of these stuffs as soon as possible...cos like i said prviously.. i just realised that rupanya i bukan tangkap muat punya type of bride to be...during my engagement preparation i realised that i wanted a beautiful wedding day...but importantly without a great damage to my bank account...

i will try my hardest!banyak benda yang i tak tau and i need to ambik tahu... i dun want to rely everything on a wedding planner cos it might turn out horrible...( yes, i have a bit of trust issue to deal with)hmm... i hope i will get all the help that i need.. i hope people will understand me and generally helpful cos obviously,..i'm gonna need tons of help! =p ( banyaknya perkataan help)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Atmosphere...

well... i completely understand that i need to be more active by posting more pics of my engagement day folks!! well, for starter... i didn't have a professional photographer like most bride to be had during their beautiful day...sedeynya!! but i am thankful that at least i have a lot of pics in my possession though they are not professonally done... still, kita kena bersyukur kan... orang lain pics pun dh xdak dh...most of the pics i have are from my own camera, my friends( ha yang ni kena pegi collect balik from them raya haji nanti) and my family members too. hmm,.. although my wedding won't happen any soon but guess what? the 1st thing i'm doing as a preparation for the big day is to look around for a professional photographer! serious...sejak last week i've been doing this by asking around and getting the qoutations and stuffs..other brides to be may be thinking of the wedding dress first but me...i think about the pictures first! like we all know as the saying goes... a picture worth a thousand words...kan! so i need to hire a professional...what i can say here is that many of these professionals are willing to help me and a few have actually offered me a really good deal if i tell u the price u won't believe me..but apa pun KIV dulu semua tu kan. i think i will upload a few more pics to commemorate the atmosphere of October 24th, 2009 =p

The Arrival of The Rombongan Meminang

Next, The Discussion Session...

Lead by the Imam. ( in brown Baju Melayu)

Meanwhile, what did my darling do outside??

talking on the phone....heheh

well my friends, please disregard the low quality pics... i mistakenly set my camera to HDTV size but only 2MG the bila upload kat websites they look so blur n small but luckily when i sent them to develop..they turn out very nice! the pics of the rombongan look great cos taken from my sis's camera.hmm, what else should i upload ya??hmm...i'll think about that later after class ok!! =)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Di sebalik all de' chaosness

well a few of my friends have been asking over and over again to put more of the pics regarding my engagement..honestly said, i have no idea what to write n tell about them..i'm at the stage of collecting the pics from all sources...i think i have a lot but i'm just too lazy to upload plus, i'm a little embarassed about some of the pics...hihi...

to tell u the truth, i had no time to prepare the hantarans and all...cos i was busy that time memang i was stressed out a bit thinking about the design of the hantaran, the theme color, the favor, etc..i didn't prepare much.. i got the bekas hantaran all from my bestie Anna... she told me not to buy anything since her bekas hantarans were in great condition..and i thought,..since she offered and i had no time to do the hantaran and many other obsticles..i finally gave in..and completely gave up to pursue my dream hanatrans.. i told myself, takpa la..tunang ja pun..dh tak sempat sangat why not terima ja bekas2 from i got the bekas which were bakul menkuang brown in color (though it was not the theme color that i wanted, but i bersyukur saja dengan apa yg ada) and all i gotta do was...fill the bakuls with all the stuffs ja...hihi..very convenient huh!! ok la, ok la.. let's menjamu mata of these pics ok...sila2 if sudi,.. (click to enlage ya!)

these are all the hantaran that was previously planned for him at a very last minutes. and since it was only engagement day i tried to stick to the tradition by exchanging foods or manis-manisan but i only could plan but later i realised i was short of 1 more item...what i did? well, since he bought a new shirt so..apa lagi mintak la!heheh.. the shirt was actually meant to be worn during our engagement day since i told him i wanted to wear pink but then again..another dream pink dress remained as dream only...

ooh, actually there's 1 more unexpected item...sotong!! (phew...) hmm...where uhh i put the pic?? i think i forgot to take from another camera kot..huhu.well, looking at those hantaran maybe some of u can guess how unplanned & unorganised my engagement hantaran were...honestly, i didn't want to talk about it much cos' the blame was all on me... i should have prepared whatever i wanted earlier so i could be more happy..but then again, i do not want to contemplate on things that i have no control of...the most important thing here that everything was settled and i know that i have to put more afford to achieve all that i want later for the big day. so far, what i definitely need is to get myself a really good advisor so that my wedding day won't be like another tangkap muat event...and of course i need a plan- a really good plan so i won't end up frustrating again..goshh! there's so much to do after all...huhu but luckily the wedding won't happen any soon...thank god..i think i will start all the craziness the earliest would be on January 2010, insyaAllah.. cos we plan to have the wedding on 10/10/10...
more pics...

chocolates for the guests

From him...

yep...those are for him

i would like to take this opportunity to thank my family & friends who have been so helpful throughout the engagement day also for their love for me...i am truly blessed if i sit back and think about it again.just days before the day i realised that i totally forgot about the dulang for my hantaran..(boleh ka?? i actually had the idea of not having dulang at all..gila kan!!) i thought about renting but thank goodness, my sis offered my the queen Anne trays that she bought for all the ladies in my family..all the way from England. TQ sgt2 kak Dilla.. =) next time pinjam lagi boleh?? hahah
sekian, wassalam.