hi all! actually this is a very long postponing entry. supposedly posted long time ago, but never mind, since baru teringat let's talk about it anyways. ;)
i am not sure when to stop putting on barut kat my Maryam sebab she's still wearing barut at 2 months of age and my mak kata only stop after she start meniarap.But her doctor the other day during her 2 months check up immidiately took off her barut and gave it to me.sempat cakap "mommy,u keep this,no need to put anymore" i was like...ERRR..BLUR. but i think i would still follow my mak's instruction. baby kena pakai baru lagi nanti masuk angin. ikot cakap doctor sangat pun susah sebab selamber sangat.hehhee..betoi!
Actually since birth Maryam tak pakai barut yang ready made and beli yang kat kedai baby tu cos my mak hates those kinds of barut sebab always ternaik ke atas or turun ke bawah bila baby mengeliat or moves. so she asked somebody to tailor made barut for baby yg macam zaman dulu2 tu. white color with straps keliling dia. BUT!! i pulak rasa leceh nak pakai maryam. sebab i memang failed bab2 pakaikan barut maryam. MESSY!!
So after she hit 1 month old, i googled around and saw many blogger mom-2b/mom yang bought this BARUT ZAP online. yeayyyyy!! a solution for me~ cos this kind of barut is very simple and easy to put on and with a blink of an eye dh siap si Maryam. kalau nak pakaikan barut biasa dia tu, adoi...laaaaama sungguh i nak bubuh, then nak kena ikat tali2 dia...pastu i lak takot terikat ketat sangat kang tak selesa pulak my baby or worst i could actually hurt her little tummy! seriously i memang tak pandai pakaikan barut dia...*sorry baby*
so i ordered these at mybabycomel.com just like many of the moms out there. at first tak tau nak order cemana, since one blogger Sarah told me to sms Kak Mazlin the owner,to ask for suitable size. lebeh senang camtu dari dok tekulat2 fikir what size fits the baby...and Alhamdulillah, Kak Mazlin sangat baik, and melayan many smses from me. heee...* i kan suka blur*
so ini la hasil dia...BARUT ZAPP ON! comey kannn?? she advised me to buy mix sizes sebab baby cepat besar kan...so i dengan blur confusednya asked her to choose the size and the designs...hehehe sebab banyak sangat.
Basically all baruts boleh beli per pair or per set. i choose per set senang skit. one set is equal to 5 pairs. harga? alamak..lupa...but never mind. just log on to her website and see for yourself. ;)
barut flannel zap on bercorak - actually Kak Mazlin gave 1 extra to me cos i ter banked in extra money.heheh.. |
barut flannel zap on colorful |
sample barut. ada lengkung kat belakang so that tak kotor barut if baby poop or shee shee. |
boleh contact & order through the web as well. ;) |
VERY SATISFYING because jahitan dia AMAT KEMAS and very2 cute designs. i suka zap on ni sebab it makes my job easier kot. heheh...dah pakai banyak kali pun and basuh tapi still pelekat dia kukuh. a job well done!
The owner is sooooo very friendly so no worries if we have too many enquiries, she's there and ready to answer.
okeyh, that's all...baby girl needs her mom!!
sudah ngantokkkk.... |
hahaha...aku tgk cmna ang gabra masa barut maryam dah lari2...hehehe..lawak la..tp klo aku gelak time tu..mesti ang lagi gabra kn?
barut yg ikat sometimes boleh naik sampai ke dada.. hihi. maryam still pakai mitten ke tak?
ct: ya kaaa??heheheh...biasa laa aku kan bab jaga ank ni kurang arif..heee
mimie: still pakai sbb dia suka garu muka dia then qeyau..hahaha...sometimes buka2 jugk time panas..barut semua buka...hahah...
mcm2 kaler ader eh...sarah pakai kaler putihhhh jer.. ;p
sebb elin malas nak google lain2..
gerqm tgk kaler2 tuh!
comel ank kamu....bam bam..
TQ Elin, tengok la mak dia pon bam bam..hahahah...anyway,maryam pun pakai yg putih jugak maktok dia suruh org buatkan...tapi mak dia ni nak cepat n senang je,borong barut zap on tu...heee...ur baby pun sangat cantik! ;)
sy pon beli dari kak mazlin.beli semua saiz gak.huuhuh.mmg cantik2 kan barut2nya
hehe...betul tu reyna,best! sbb kak mazlin ni jahit dgn penuh kasih syg kot..kemas.maryam pakai dh sebulan lebeh still ok barut dia.no problem
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