i managed to spend a week long break at my sweet hometown with a few progresses successfully made..well, for a start a week break seems so short these days kan?? tak dan nak buat apa tengok2 it's time to pack n head back to work.. =( but overall i managed to settle some important things that i wish to. like menu for the guests. for my reception the caterer has already confirmed so i can just move on by focussing on other stuffs.
talking about catering service, i had a few incidents yang agak tak syok untuk didengar but still apa salahnya i kongsi sikit kat sini, rite! hmm, i don't have the intention to screw up anyone's reputations here tau..just that i was a little frustrated with the first caterer that my family and i wanted initially. basically the way they treated us like we were a poor unworthy customers..seriously! when we went to discuss and told that our guests tak ramai sebab we are having a small reception ja..around 700 guests..when the manager of that caterer heard that we was so arrogant towards us all of the sudden! apa ni?? mentang-menatang my kenduri tu sikit ja guests dia terus kata " alah 700...kami dok buat selama ni beribu, setakat 700 orang ni apa lah sangat" i was so shocked! amboi...mentang2 dia susun keta mercedes depan rumah dia, pelanggan2 yang tak mendatangkan untung ni tak layan la?? it got me thinking...benarlah kata2 Dr. Mahatir, "Melayu Mudah Lupa"
maybe it's hard to be humble when you're the best...but a little decency would be nice.cakap la baik2..ni tak, tengok orang pun dengan muka yang boring macam nak suruk kita cepat2 blah ja... aduh! sedeh la dengan sikap orang lagu tu...
but luckily managed to find another caterer who are willing to provide everything that we hope for later after that which i reckon is way better in terms of the price, menu, services inyaAllah.but the moral of the story here is that, as a civilized human being, anybody deserve to be treated equally and with respect. jangan la sebab budget you sikit, ciput, maybe tak menguntungkan bisnes, kita just disregard macam tu ja...bukan semua orang buat kenduri besar-besaran..bukan semua orang punya budget yang tinggi..tengok mat salleh buat wedding reception, ada ka buat sampai 1000 orang?? tapi tetap elagant jugak.( err, sorry, perbandingan yang kurang tepat)
but, my main concern is that if a person's style of doing business hanya untuk buat untung semata...untungkah?? carilah keberkatan disamping itu..bukankan lebih baik and insyaAllah, tuhan sentiasa melimpahkan rezeki seperti air sungai. janganlah memilih customers sangat kan...nak tangkap jerung besaq ja...padahal diri sendiri dah rupa jerung ganas.huhu..kalau macam tu lah, orang yang nak buat kenduri yang bajet terhad, tak dapatlah nak kahwin?? haru nak kumpul duit sampai mampu buat yang besar2, extravaganza segala...and i wonder, if we have a small budget aren't we good enough to recieve a good service?? not fair then~
hmm..nevetheless, i will always assume my experience with that particular vendor as bukan rezeki ja lah.maybe orang lain can afford to hold a big reception but not me. my wedding is 100% financed by my fiance and i. the both of us have a limited budget. we're not from well off family or lucky to be sponsored by anyone but we're very happy and satisfied to be doin this all on our own without any help of anyone. sangat happy mampu buat wedding yang humble...
talking about catering service, i had a few incidents yang agak tak syok untuk didengar but still apa salahnya i kongsi sikit kat sini, rite! hmm, i don't have the intention to screw up anyone's reputations here tau..just that i was a little frustrated with the first caterer that my family and i wanted initially. basically the way they treated us like we were a poor unworthy customers..seriously! when we went to discuss and told that our guests tak ramai sebab we are having a small reception ja..around 700 guests..when the manager of that caterer heard that we was so arrogant towards us all of the sudden! apa ni?? mentang-menatang my kenduri tu sikit ja guests dia terus kata " alah 700...kami dok buat selama ni beribu, setakat 700 orang ni apa lah sangat" i was so shocked! amboi...mentang2 dia susun keta mercedes depan rumah dia, pelanggan2 yang tak mendatangkan untung ni tak layan la?? it got me thinking...benarlah kata2 Dr. Mahatir, "Melayu Mudah Lupa"
maybe it's hard to be humble when you're the best...but a little decency would be nice.cakap la baik2..ni tak, tengok orang pun dengan muka yang boring macam nak suruk kita cepat2 blah ja... aduh! sedeh la dengan sikap orang lagu tu...
but luckily managed to find another caterer who are willing to provide everything that we hope for later after that which i reckon is way better in terms of the price, menu, services inyaAllah.but the moral of the story here is that, as a civilized human being, anybody deserve to be treated equally and with respect. jangan la sebab budget you sikit, ciput, maybe tak menguntungkan bisnes, kita just disregard macam tu ja...bukan semua orang buat kenduri besar-besaran..bukan semua orang punya budget yang tinggi..tengok mat salleh buat wedding reception, ada ka buat sampai 1000 orang?? tapi tetap elagant jugak.( err, sorry, perbandingan yang kurang tepat)
but, my main concern is that if a person's style of doing business hanya untuk buat untung semata...untungkah?? carilah keberkatan disamping itu..bukankan lebih baik and insyaAllah, tuhan sentiasa melimpahkan rezeki seperti air sungai. janganlah memilih customers sangat kan...nak tangkap jerung besaq ja...padahal diri sendiri dah rupa jerung ganas.huhu..kalau macam tu lah, orang yang nak buat kenduri yang bajet terhad, tak dapatlah nak kahwin?? haru nak kumpul duit sampai mampu buat yang besar2, extravaganza segala...and i wonder, if we have a small budget aren't we good enough to recieve a good service?? not fair then~
hmm..nevetheless, i will always assume my experience with that particular vendor as bukan rezeki ja lah.maybe orang lain can afford to hold a big reception but not me. my wedding is 100% financed by my fiance and i. the both of us have a limited budget. we're not from well off family or lucky to be sponsored by anyone but we're very happy and satisfied to be doin this all on our own without any help of anyone. sangat happy mampu buat wedding yang humble...
p/s: instead of booking for 700 paxs...dah add sikit for 800paxs.
ha! bencik betul dgn vendor cam tu.. dia igt kelakar kot cakap cam tu!
eii, xsuke xsuke. biarkan die dengan sikap sombong nyer! xrugi pon kite kan.. ehhee. die yang rugi. hilang potential customer. huh, padan muka.
lain vendor lain approach, fikir satu jelah, nasib tak baik jumpa org mcm tu, and because of them kene thankful jugak kita jumpa vendor yg lebih baik kan dari end up dgn diorang yg super arrogant tu? blessing in disguise.. =)
oh tolonglah! ai ade jgk jumpe vendor yang "kat sini mahal la sket." wtffff? igt kite ni sengkek sgt ke?belom ppe dh sound ke?well,turned me off too. pttff.
kenduri kita suka hati kita, yg penting keihklasan kita ingin perkhidmatan dari dia dan keihlasan kita nak menjamu org mkn.aiseh!!!
xora: haha..mmg tak kelakar...
huda: tu la..i mmg tak kesah pun kejadian macam tu..sbb normal kot mana ja ada org jenis macam tu..tapi i heran gila..awat la dia letak pakej 700 paxs dalam service dia??sengal...tapi u are so rite about the blessing in disguise tu, baru2 ni i dengar cita org makan kat kenduri bestie i semua kena cirit birit. i reconfirm with her, rupanya dia kata mak dia pi complain la..bayar mahal2..makan sakit perut....
ellfazira: agaknya la i n my family nampak cam orang miskin kot kat mata dia..hahaha...
aween: sedey tau sbb catering tu mmg yang paling famous kat area i.sebut nama dia mst semua tau la..
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