Tuesday, November 30, 2010
approching 2 months of happiness!
Huyooo, it’s almost 2 month of becoming a wife??? Soooo soooo sorry,TAK UPDATE BLOG. I’ve already received some alarming comments by friends to start writing again..seriously, I was in no mood. And lazy to be exact…and having a blog we should hold the responsibility to keep it updated kan? .and so I give in to some of friends' comments, I will write again, insyaAllah.
Anyways, time flies.. ;) ramai orang bertanya, how is married life compared to single life? Well, totally different kan! And totally happening life I must say.. also completely tiring new life…penat weyhhh! 2 weeks after we got married I had a terrible fever…demam baru kawen orang kata. Because I was at the adjusting stage, well, still adjusting stage lagi actually. I was so tired because I guess I was very laid back type of person during my singlehood years. Baju n rumah semua I biar tungganglanggang ja. Only did the chores during the weekend. I never cooked at all. Buying foods outside was part of my daily routine after work. If I ever got hungry. Usually I would skip my dinner and stop eating after 7pm.
Well, nowadays…very different! Well, I still dindn’t cook though, I would buy the foods everyday after work and eat like there’s no tomorrow. Hahaha…YES! I gain weight and NO it’s not baby bump like many suspected,.hehhh~
So when is the baby will be in the picture?? This is the most FAQ and I find it a bit irritating cause some people couldn’t just accept that this kind of rezeki is not determined by us but Allah. And I was a lil’ bengang with a few people who expect us to get pregnant as soon as possible. Ada yg paling extreme siap SMS I while I was in the class “ SALAM KAK, CEMANA DAH PERIOD KA?” what the fish? Tak ka gila Tanya orang soalan so straight to the point cemtu?? Aduhhhh~ SENTAP!but, thankfully, my own family has not giving me that pressure just yet and they even said that we should take sometimes and enjoy being together for a few months. insyaAllah, when the time comes rezeki tu akan datang jugak kan. We’re not planning or anything. We are living it to Allah to decide. And yeah, we do want babies..lots of babies! ;p
Iike I was saying, I’m still in a big adjusting periods. Having a partner to come home to after work is great! Lonely no more. But sometimes, having this so called new roommate can sometimes be challenge. Imagine if u are used to sleeping peacefully before and now, no more? Why? Ehhh, tak baik oke fikir benda lain haaa… MY HUBS SNORES SO LOUD, THE WHOLE HOUSE IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE! Now, I’m trying to find a cure to this snorring matter. If anyone has some tips, do share. Heheh…
well, in a nutshell, all i could say is that, being married is great and annoying at the same time. annoying?? hahah...ya la, kena buat keja umah everyday okay. i pulak jenis laid back..but now, if i keep on my laid back attitude, maka rumah akan jadi tunggang langgang la kan... and being a worker and a housewife and possibly a mother next, we do have to multi task! skang baru i mula faham what's the true multitasking means....fuhhh! so tired...
i pray to Allah to give me all the strengths that i need to be a good wife to him, Amin...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
married for a month~

it's been a month already...funny i feel like it was just like yesterday when it all happened... i feel so blessed indeed.

it was a beautiful day...Alhamdulillah..
no wait! when i see this last picture, i remember i didn't even touch the ice cream, the cake, the chicken, the cream puff and the fruits!! so who ate all of that??? guess what...MY PHOTOGS! hahaha... betul la jadi pengantin memang tak sempat makan semua tu...hukkk
at this stage, i think i'm a bit tired of anwering the question - "WHERE ARE THE OFFICIAL PICTURES?"
~ujung tahun baru siap....SABAQ~
~ujung tahun baru siap....SABAQ~
p.s. great tip from a dear friend : JADILAH PENGANTIN BARU SETIAP HARI...well said my dear~
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