Alhamdulillah... that's all i can say. my baby girl is now 2 years old last 7th November 2013. i have so many things to say about her but so poor at arranging all the things i have inside my mind to write them in a beutiful writing to commemorate the mark of her second year of life.
my only wish is that she will continue to be healthy and happy, as always. i am so grateful to Allah S.W.T. for granting me a very healthy and active lil' girl. and that is all that matter to me right now. she's an end year baby so in terms of her milestone developement i can say more or less the same with the awal tahun kids...she's learning to speak, she's learning to do things on her own right now. her own identity is developing. loves to run, dance and sing although i can't really understand what song is she singging...just make my heart blooms. Alhamdulillah...
other than that, she's just a normal kid. quite shy with strangers, and would try to copy what the adults around her do...so that's makes me very coutious most of th time.
talk about a party this year, unfortunately we don't celebrate. but we had a small family dinner with a slice of ice cream cake for her (whice she didn't even finish) just for the 3 of us and it went well. we 're currently very busy with preparing to move into our own house soon,in 3 weeks time. so, Insha Allah, if ada rezeki, we definetely do a small party for her there at the new place.So sorry Maryam, mommy has no plan to do any party for you as mommy is quite busy with a lot of stuffs. i am sure u don't mind. ;) hehehe...
Maryam mommy lovesss you so much..it's beyond words. i am so proud of you now and forever. May Allah S.W.T protect you and guide you all the time baby. Amiin.
lots of sweet love,