this is not a kebaya...kurung modern. =) it needs a little alteration actually to reduce the size...size? does this mean i lost some weight??? err... no, i'm still chubby & cute huhu . but the side tu actually kembang when i stoodd straight , so we decided to kuncupkan dia.
that's us trying out the outfits! again i blur everything. awal lagi nak reaveal semua kan! but i think people can get the idea pretty much how my dress looks like...just a simple kurung modern. ;)
but later we headed to Queensbay after berbuka. and thank god i found another shoe. we went to Elle boutique and this time i found what i liked and the best part it was 30% discount. rezeki. me and Elle label are like best buddies. i realised i have been a collector of many Elle stuffs the last time i checked. maybe because the price are affordable for orang bawahan like me. hehe.. i thought of trying different brand for the wedding but i bounced back to Elle peep toe. it was actually a very simple shoe. no beads no stones and i could recycle afterwards. boleh pakai pi office and jalan2. so i took the shoe. weeeeee~ peep toe for nikah!! RECEPTION SHOE?? still hunting...still hunting...hmm..
i think that's all for the time being. i would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims, a very happy Eid. wow...time flies huh? we're saying good bye to ramadhan already...i'll be on hari raya break for the whole of next week and coming back to work for another week. i'm getting married on the following week! phew~
Your dress looks lovely. I jelesh tgk your baju n org nak kawen nie.. hahaha..
Selamat Hari Raya..
selamat hari raya!! :)
Finally..leh komen...!!
yehuu, dear makin hampir tau. awn tak sbr utk u =)
MY: TQ dear,i sungguh bersyukur it turned out alrite. and i'm soooo happy with it =)
sya sakura: selamat hari raya! =)
aween: yahhh! semakin mendebarkan sebenarnya =)
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