if anybody notices all my previous entries were nothing but consist of WORDLESS WEDNESDAY or just a simple sentence and that was all. the best i could do with this dear blog. well, i hope it clearly pictures how busy i was juggling too many things all at the same freaking time! *phew* seriously i was busy with too many things a few months back. busy with moving out, moving in and work commitments and balancing everything. i really wanted to write, in fact there are a few things i wanted to record here but i guess i was too busy (kalah YB pulak).
For a start, HEY I AM FINALLY BACK IN PENANG FOR GOOD! syukur Alhamdulillah, after almost 6 years of staying and working in Perlis, i managed to "meloloskan diri" hahahha... i never expected when i filled up the transfer form i would get the transfer just like that! huhh...menggelabahh laa kami anak beranak... because my husband never prepared to be transfered yet, currently just Maryam and myself sahaja berpindah ke Penang while he is still waiting to join us two hopefully after raya. *keep my fingres crossed*
ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW STRESSFUL I AM BEING AWAY FROM THE HUBS OKAY...! aduh... it really hards..that's all i could conclude. i am not gonna elaborate anymore..too depressing.
But, this is the decision i had made after i gave birth to maryam, i told myself that i had enough of Perlis and everything about it. hahaha...macam teruk ja bunyi kan? Well, i do firmly believe that in order to move up, you just need to move out. ESPECIALLY when u have no job satisfaction at your old place anymore. i felt that i was becoming a dinosour there. and i hate the fact i would remain stupid forever if i didn't make a move to change ... the enviroment there was not right for me anymore. i have my own ambition, vision and mission.Again, i don't want to be a dinasour!
How about the new place?? have i found my job satisfaction here?? well, for a start all i could say it;s a refreshing experience working enviroment, new collegues, new perspectives and new working culture. i am loving the differences already... because i am apart of a team that is soooo well-organised and i have no opportunity to being unorganised anymore.hahahah...dalam maksud tuhh!! basically, i fit well at my new place. people are so helpful and great teamwork from top to bottom. and i also feel i need to perform here which i never felt at the old place.
Alhamdulillah....but there is no such thing as a perfect organisation and i am fully aware of that. so i don't expect much just a new place to start and grow again. hopefully, i could contribute something here.
enough about work. *sigh* where do i begin?? hari-hari rindu sama suami oi~ walaupun dekat saja still, we are not seeing each other every day. it broke my heart to see Maryam was not her usual self when we first moved here. she was very quiet and not enjoying herself. and that was enough for me to broke into tears for a few days after we arrived. i could sense that my baby was feeling down without her daddy to play every night like it used to...but baby are well adapted human i guess...slowly and gradually Maryam could accept this changes and she's doing ok now. after all she's turning 8 months tomorrow... big girl now..
oh my goodness, she is soooo active and loves being independant. belagak macam dia tu budak besar ja gaya...she wants to break free...tawaf satu rumah sambil beguling2. and she would be under the table or the bed kalau nak cari dia sekarang sebab tu memang tempat lepak dia...hahahah... macam2 hal la sebab makin aktif and makin suka bermain.
she's 8 months tomorrow...and i just want to stop the time from flying so fast...boleh?? sometime i miss her being a newborn. haihhh...the next thing i know it is time for her to go to school already....cepat sungguh masa Ya Allah.
she has 2 teeth now! |
what's new in term of her development ya? hm...i am so thankful that she's healthy. heathier than she's ever been before since we got here. Alhamdulillah... she's very active, so clever in her own way and loves foods. ;)
i guess i can safely say that at her 7 months of age she manages to eat almost what a 7 months old infant could eat. i found that the websites and baby food groups on FB really help me so much in term of preparing her nutritious foods and homemade. i am so pround to say that until now she eats everything homemade including her biscuits. all made from scratch laa by mom. *wink* except on certain occasion i do let her take some baby bites on the counter like the teething biscuits and such. kadang i tak sempat beli buah or while travelling far i would let her eat the ready made snacks. in term of her staple, i do prepare it myself or my mother would help no matetr how far we travel bubur+puree all are homemade. i really make sure of that.
always munching~ |
jalan2 pun mesti nak mengunyah juga mulut tu |
okay, i think i can be at peace now for writing something after soooooo damn long of being quiet from the blogging world... trust me, i am very busy woman once i strat teaching. everything is moving so fast in Penang as compared while we were in Perlis. hahahah.... (busy la sangaaatttt)
till i write again.. much love from me and Maryam Bahyraa all the way from Penang.
ohh, my baby Maryam,..happy 8 months old tommorow...mommy love you and daddy too..
Maryam & Mom |