Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I JUST TURNED 30 TODAY! weeee.....

how do i feel?? well, being 30 at the beginning of a new year is not that bad okay...i accept that i am finally entering my 30. see i keep repeating the number 30....hahahah...

i guess it is true that age is just a number. u can be 30, 40 or 60... but u can still feel and look great AND appropriate with your age.i don't wanna be in denial that i am no more in my 20's. so i'm just gonna go on with my life like usual.

when i thought about people who were 30 back then, for me these people were basically a well balanced and matured adults. how can we be 30 but not matured?? i don't see the logic here. so this thought kinda gives me some reminder for myself to act and think maturely too.

"Women need to embrace that ‘get better’ mind-set in their thirties, forties and fifties,” i read this line somewhere in a magazine not too long ago. i don’t want to eat anti-aging creams by the dozen in hope I’d stay young, instead of focusing on what I love and staying young at heart.

at this particular age, i guess i am quite stable.In the past, there were amazing events, i met a soulmate, had my baby, but also other events i could have gone without. Getting old is fine to me. and i fell like slapping people in their butt especially people who have a negative mind set that being 30 is soooo frustrating. like u are an old makcik... annoying!

so, turning 30, where i am right now??i don't wanna be crazy over setting a goals or resolutions anymore. remember when we were a lot younger, we loveee making azam baru.. hmm...doesn't appeal no more. hehhh...

just that i think i should focus in navigating mylife right now with simple mindfulness.Being totally myself. Know who I am even more and be it. No hiding, holding back, doing more that I can handle. ( ok yang ni tak sure.hahah).Be rocking at my best. AND most importantly try to improve my relationship with Allah S.W.T. Ameen...


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