Wednesday, May 26, 2010
busy mode

Thursday, May 20, 2010
kain nikah hunting - finale
actually my dearest, i haven't finished posted yet..i haven't revealed my kain nikah just yet...so the previous entry was obviously not my kain. to make matters more funny...i kinda ruin the surprise a little by posted the entry too early. it was accidental. right before the office houre ended entah cemana internet was soooo slow and i pun dh lupa wheter i tekan save or published..(obviously published la..sbb masuk ofis tengok dh posted..dengan tak sempat edit properly.hehe)
anyways, let's see a few more laces i have tried in jakel shah alam. boleh? ;
next, this one meriah lace dia..sequins etc. again, tak bekenan jugak.
this one cantik even my bro appoved it! hehe..but...the color tak sesuai...a bit greyish. sesapa buat theme grey cantik la. the lace and the beads sangat lawa kalau tengok live and jaring2 dia pun smooth and less visible.. i even asked ada tak in white color...sadly they said no..
my brother should wear a tshirt with the words "JUST BUY IT" instead, hihi
sister with a happy face & happy to be surrounded by the lace..hihi
lastly, my very simple lace...beaded and with cristal all over..tunjuk sikit aci kan ;) mind u, it's biasa2 saja..
full version lepas semuanya dah selamat ok! insyaAllah...
one happy family with a bag full of lace!
itu sahaja untuk edisi mencari lace a.k.a kain nikah!lega & very happy eventhough it was a tiring day!if i were to do it again...of course i would! seronok sangat balut2 badan macam mummy..eheheh~
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
kain nikah hunting part 2
one thing i notice, as we entered the place, they welcomed us from the entrance up to the point nak naik escalator pun the staffs mempersilakan.."selamat datang ke Jakel" ehehee...sampai tahap tu ekk..and knowing our motive was just to find the kain nikah, so naik ja la 3rd floor...u'll see this sign depan escalator
see the sign? actually, dia tulis french lace Bandung RM50 per meter..hehe..tp that spot kurang sambutan...i snapped this right before we went off.
okay, again sampai2 ja kat 3rd floor ni terus one girl sambut and showed us around...and asked us our budget for the lace..ohh, seperti biasa..never ever tell them ur budget just yet..kan! i just told her that i didn't have any specific budget, just wanted to see first..kalau bekenan baru fikir harga..so she showed us the cheapest dulu kot on the left side of the escalator.but...NOPE...not what i was looking for.. tapi rajin betul bentangkan walaupun i said no..so takpa la tengok ja la.and siap lining2 skali la..and i reconfirmed with her the type of lining..cos i mmg tak pandai jenis2 kain ni. ;p and it was japanese satin. again...NO. i told her i wanted crepe for the lining.so the SA asked her friend to go to the top floor to get the crepe...kesian pulak..bertungkus lumus naik turun tingkat 4 n tingkat 3.so, the lining is settled then..inistially memang dah discuss with my tailor for that type of lining because:
1. kain dia sangat2 lembut & flowy bila letak di badan
2. my nikah is in masjid, so tak bole kain jarang2
3. crepe satin makes me look slimmer...heheh penting tu!
4. crepe tidak shiny like japanese satin...i just want to look modest not shiny on my nikah day..hihi
5. crepe ni ada quality skit told by many...hopefully, baju nikah nanti tahan lama la kan..nak tunjuk kat anak cucu.heee~
through my experience there, i noticed the sale assistants were so eager to cut the kain..kalut..naik seram pun ada...and there were moments i felt my brain freezed cos i was totally lost of words..tension!
i was assisted by more than two SA at that time and the boss also personally assisted me...i think maybe she noticed we came early kot. then, assistant2 yang lain dok depan kita and keep telling lawa...lawa..lawa...padahal kat mata i rasa taklawa pun??? tapi tak berani nak cakap apa2..diam n keep observing. so i tried a few peices of lace before that final desicion made. jum tengok gambar!mesti tak puas tengok pics kecik2 kan kawan2? so i besarkan okay ;p
mukaku masih belum tersenyum okay..so nak try lain2 lagi
abaikan my unflattery tummy ;(
after a few laces seemed to failed to satisfy my eyes..i asked the boss to show me the lace at the top floor. it was the area wher they called exclusive lace. one piece for each design...so up we went! ;p boy..it was heaven to be surrounded by the most beautiful stuffs...again, lost of words when the boss and the SA brought the lace to me...lawa ok...no,..let me rephrase myself...sungguh lawa lace di situ..and the price pun lawa la..i remember seeing the price tag on a few laces that written RM7500...gila kan..tak sanggup!fuhh~
and so i tried the one of laces..jum tengok sikit ok kan
solstiss French lace beaded with swarovski gems
to be continued...
p.s. i'm just sharing this experience with others and hopefully my intention is not misinterpreted
p.p.s: this entry was not meant to be posted on tuesday...i tak tau i pi tEkan apa..skali masuk keja pagi ni..tgk2 this entry dh post...hahaha...there goes the hardwork menulis karangan...HAHA
updated on Wed, 19.5.10
Monday, May 10, 2010
nak cari kain... nak cari kain~
update for the time being? well, i decided to go and buy my kain nikah end of this week since that my work is never going to finish soon...tunggu keja abeh mmg takkan abeh. so jakel KL, here i come...finally.. ;p i know it's not a big deal to many of the b2b when talking about jakel..but to me, it's the biggest deal of all la kot..since i'm from outside KL and i have decided to buy my kain there long time ago..mmg dalam kepala mesti nak ke jakel KL ja..tempat lain takmau tengok..lantak!
what should i expect ya? ntah la...i have been reading b2b entries regarding selecting the kains there..and i guess i should apply some of the tips given...just to push my luck ja la.hopefully by the end of the this week i will come home happy~ ohh, with the kain nikah to be sent to my tailor..penting tuhh!
i went back to penang 2 days ago and successfully met my tailor..we basically decided how many metres of kain to buy, the lace and the veil...i'm pretty sure another damage to the back account is about to be done..hukkk ;(
fiance as always, reminded me to be wise and not to follow my inner desires hahah...dia takot i would overspend on things that would probably end up in the closet rite after the nikah ceremony..heeee~ ;p *will try! will try!*
well, with my inexperinces and very few knowledge about kains, i'm heading to KL ( mode perok buih + jakun sikit) cos i expected i'd be very excited but NO I AM NOT...maybe all the energy i have about wedding preparations are suddenly heading south..semakin menurun..takdak moodnya rasa..nak cepat2 pi and nak cepat2 balik ja.napa ya??
well, if anybody would like to suggest me more tips i'd would appreciate it very very much! tima kaseh no..takdak pun takpa...heee =)
okay nak pi cari lunch sat..