Wednesday, June 30, 2010
depressing stage
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
baju sandingku ready for fitting & family meeting
i know i kinda delaying a lot of things nowadays cos of my limited time..but i cancelled my fitting twice already but to cancel it again won't be that nice kan..malu la i nak nanti. just now i recieved an alarming msg saying that IT'S FITTING TIME....aduh!! baik lah...if i dun do it this weekend ntah bila lagi pun tak tau. gosh, i pray for the baju to fit me all nicely * amin*
on another note, fiance's family is coming to discuss about wedding stuffs..and hantar duit hantaran concern is that, should i be there as well when they come? i kena balik kampung jugak kah?? if dun, would it be too snorty or something? cos seriously my relationship with future in laws are not as tight as other bride to kitorang tak baik ka apa's actually a rule implimented by my family on me not to expose myself to the future family in law too much.
my family is kinda strict on adab2 bertunang and bergaul ni so i can't do anything with that but to far i have only met my FFIL 3 times..that's it tu pun "undersupervision" of my family...cewahhh...meaning...kita jupa as family! the rest kena tunggu kawen baru la nak kenal2 secara mendalam ka apa ka mak i kata ikot suka..for the time being jangan harap la i nak pi jalan2 sorang2 pi umah FFIL saja2...hmm...sabaaarrr
anyway i'm scared the dress won't fit me!! gila la...i always think negative kan?? ;(
p.s. the sweetest thing about having a loving fiance like mine is that never a single word uttered from him is about my imperfections...Alhamdulillah
p.p.s. arghhhh!! i can't wait to be married!!...and just be done with it!
Friday, June 25, 2010

ehh?? apa la termelalut bab keja lak?
anyway, nak cita tentang wedding card...our repective families have asked us about the card and really are pusing us to quickly settle this part. i did survey a few shops( 2 shops) in penang, around my area which is in Seberang pathetic! i mean kesian gila i tegok designs.then it got me thinking, patut la everytime my mak recieved a wedding invitation card i could see the patern that these people seemed to do almost the same design..tiap2 bulan kad kawen sampai umah semua macam sama ja..rupanya memang people around my hometown tu tempah kat kedai yang sama ja..kedai tu pulak offers design2 yang...erkk...tak baik point is...we need a new shop please..sesapa nak buka kedai kad kawen dialu2kan..kesian tau orang2 kampung i.
i even had a plan tu go back to KL onece again to tempah kat sana jugak but nanti mesti orang kata i ni agung2 KL stuffs pulak...but what to do? i memang cerewek sikt..(banyak) i require more choices, that's all.
yesterday, my sis datang perlis and lepak at my house here and she flipped through magazines. majalah pengantin tu and she found some nice designs of wedding card. she suggested that i go and check them out.i never notice that tu ada branch kat jitra.which is about 15mins drive from arau.nampak sangat la i ni tak teliti...
so tomorrow, fiance & i are going there after he completed his KURSUS KAWEN!! yes, dia baru nak kursus. BUSY kan? huuu~
harap sangat2 i will find a card that i could "agree" with.since my wedding is small wedding..we won't order up to 500 cards pun..not even 400kecik ja my wedding =)when my friends found out the number of expected guests they were like " woi, western sungguh!!" but i would kindly reply with " otak hang western...ingat banyak duit aku nak buat makan 1000 orang???" well, just to shut them up... ;p
Thursday, June 17, 2010
official dress maker
with 3 months and counting, perhaps it's time to talk about my nikah outfit first kot. to be honest, i was at first being worried sick thinking about whom to do my dress.i'm sure many of the b2b pun selalu dilemma mana nak hantar kan! especially brides to be outside KL...tengok KL areas b2b, kita rasa how lucky they are to be able to send their kain to professionals.
being in penang, and never knew any good dress maker was a challenge at first.. i was asking around and finally was introduced to Raymond Tan from Ray La Mode. it turned out to be this Ray guy has a branch boutique near my hometown... cari punya cari rupanya depan mata ja wedding planner talked me into sending my kain nikah to him actually. and before i made up my mind to send the kain i did talk to my friend and see his collections at the boutique...okay la i guess..and i can see that he is specialized in dressess. banyak sangat dress dia buat. my friend pun gave him a good review so i sent my kain that i bought at Jakel hari tu.
besides, many of his cutomers are malay and brides to be.when i was there nak ukur baju, i saw a lot of bags filled with kain nikah for him to sew at the back of his boutique.he said semua baju nikah yang hujung tahun punya.
we sent our kain nikah baru ja lagi...which was last month..memang nervous cos seing other b2b yang nak kawen ujung tahun ni pun baju nikah dah siap cuma nak pakai ja.but syukur, he still accepted our kain...phew!
design for nikah outfit is going to be kurung modern since my body tak sesuai kebaya..hihi..paham2 la..pinggang pun tak dak... ;p anyway, to my surprise when ray did the unofficial sketches he suggested something like this
on the left tu baju melayu my fiance, i specifically told him no sulam-sulaman for him..cos i'm not a fan..i want it to be just a plain baju melayu.
next, is a rough sketch of my nikah outfit...biasa ja kan?? =) hopefully i will be able to show the final product..heheh..nervous jugak..
now, all that left is to be patiently waiting for the dress to complete. our fitting will be in early september. Ya Allah, makbulkanlah impian hambaMu ini untuk kuruskan badan...Amin Yaa Rabbal 'Alamin....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
nak kahwen, hantaran dah settle kah??
masa snap tis pic my nephew cakap ehh tak boleh amik gambar...tengok2 ada sign camera not allowed..tapi muka SA tu cam selamber i snap a few more...hehe
i love bling2 that SSF offers..sbb designs bling2 dia lawa2 compared to other shops...namapak mewah...i checked out a few shops yang jual bling2 gedik2 tu..tapi semua fail to meet my demand..cewah..hihih..kat SSF jugak yg lawa...but mahal la..1 pack RM128 ++ jenuh jugak tu..kalau nak pakai more than 1 pack...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
jalan2 pusing ipoh~
my trip was a success i guess since i have found a few things that i would want to buy the next time i go, sis ni memang kaki jalan and she is the expert of shopping for serious stuffs and she would know what shops offer good quality things and what shops are on sales, etc...i mean many of the shops we went the sales assistants ramai kenal's like her friends semuanya. maybe bcos she's so friendly - unlike me...hehehe. so agak mudah la to get a good bargain for instance, we went to the place called lorong carpet where almost semua carpet vendors sepanjang jalan tu kenal my sis n her husband! lawak pulak...and u bet they offered us a really great price compared to what i surveyed in penang..almost 50% cheaper...crazy! so i guess bulan ni punya gaji is to buy the carpet! ;p
during my first trip ni tak banyak yg i bought cos it was unplanned so i didn't fork out a lot la.. a few stuffs that caught my eyes - and i ended buying biasa2 ja la.
paper bag ni is my favourite item amongst all kot. ;) it's so girlish and so elegant looking in my's a shape of a handbag.for me sesuai if i give this to my female friends later..ok kot? ;) my other sister told me back in her time during her wedding she saw this paper bag kat SSF selling at RM9 per piece, gila mahal..but 8 years later i bought this at only RM1.50 per piece.. ;p but too bad cuma ada 24 pieces in stock...boleh laa dah bekenan sgt.
transparent container ni last minute shopping..dah nak balik penang pun time tu tp my sis ajak jugak masuk 1 lagi kedai barang2 kawin..and i found it. beli sikit ja 100++ pieces ja. and sold at 40 cents kot sebijik..tak ingat..still worth it ;)
bunga telur sponsored by my sis...syukur Alhamdulillah ;) she said saja tambah2 kalau other doorgift terkurang ka.
bunga-bungaan...punya payah nak jumpa the kind of pink i like but finally...found it..still the pic doesn't do the justice...kat luar lagi lawa..ehehe
well, like i said i didn't spend a lot cos it was unplanned trip...i'm the type of person who is very careful with money...lagi2 waktu2 kritikal seperti sekarang ni. a lot of money to be spent on wedding stuffs...sesak nafas kadang2...but i am happy and syukur dengan apa yg termampu...though sometimes, i kinda hope somebody would step up and say " dun worry i will pay for everything!" hahaha....dream on~
p.s. these stuffs are for the nikah day. reception i takmau fikir2 dah cos i leave it to the expert... *tawakal*
Monday, June 14, 2010
sudah kembali!
so after the audit ended i took a week leave and headed back to home sweet home, penang =) just to recharge myself la kan..bukan pi jalan2 pun. i spent my days tidur puas2, makan puas2 and did i masuk office ramai lagi yg belum balik dari cuti..heheh..this is the only time for us to take leave as the students are on their semester break.
again, seeing the ticker up there making me more nervous...i'm getting married in 3 months ++..hukkkk~ tak tau nak describe my feelings...before i was so excited and nowadays, all the excitements seem to turn into nervousness dah..i mean bad nervous...i'm beginning to feel scared...seriously...entah apa yg i takot i puntak pasti.i keep thinking negatively when i should be all positive...*sigh*
but, syukur i have a very loving and understanding fiance who would put up with all my craps all these while.he's been nothing but positive all the way!i guess men are better at dealing with stress kot??
well, as for my wedding preps. i think i have a lot entry tertangguh yg i should be posting long ago, but with all the BZness i had to to put everthing on hold. so today i will start with my door gift during my nikah day since the idea is still freshly discussed. ;p well, i have decided all the items for goodie bags for orang2 masjid so no problem with for the guests my sister came up with the idea Faux Cupcakes. well, since she is the die hard fan of the english desings and she owns an online business selling english designs stuffs, i decided to follow her suggestion. hopefully we'll be able to cut cost jugak..heheh
those who are not sure what is a faux cupcakes here it is
pic taken from
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
jodoh mereka terhenti di situ
i remember we talked about my wedding and her husband said " norr nak kawen dah no...tak lama lagi kita pi penang pulak makan nasik minyak" and he specificly asked the location of my reception that will take place...but, tu lah...tak kesampaian..
ini lah yang dikatakan jodoh, rezeki, ajal dan maut semuanya kententuan Ilahi. from HIM we come & to HIM we go back..still i'm in my disbelieve...and keep thinking how is she going to go on after this cos if i were her, i don't think i could be so strong...i talked with my mak last nite and mak said she'll be okay as she is young and Allah knows best and He tested the ones who could bare...betul la tu..apa pun many of us in the office are very sad...
semoga u terus kuat nad~
Al- Fatihah...
p/s : we'll talk wedding soon after all the works are done okay bloggers! =)