again i really wanted pelamin without panels...i have this idea at the back of my head but i don't know whether this idea is possible to be applied in the hall..usually pelamin without panel ni kita biasa tgk kat kenduri dulu2 i guess...i mean as modernization took place, the pelamins evolved and muncul lah pelamin2 berpanel ni...(tekaan saya sahaja ok) cos penels make the jobs or creating a pelamin easier and save time kot...main susun2 ja panel tu siap! and panels pelamin looks very grand indeed~
but having a pelamin without panel??? how?? hmm...come i show u how it looks like...

i swear i was so surprised to learn that my wedding- planner -to -be, have some collections on pelamin without panels...i was literally jumping up and down when i saw these pics and i was like "eureka!!" hahah... Alhamdulillah, rupanya ada jugak org boleh buat tanpa panel...basically, panels are replaced with kain as the back drop..that's what i picture concrete added.
these pics are coutesy of sofibridal i was inroduced to this person by a friend...he sent me a msg yesterday and asked me to visit his page to get the idea what his designs basically look like we plan to discuss further when i go back to penang for my next break..i really have high hope that this time around ada la rezeki for us to work together... cos i love many of his creations. i mean it's rarely seen such work in penang...cos many of the bridal boutiques are so typical in terms of taste and design...almost the same..but i think i almost find what i'm looking for. insyaAllah, if the dicussion goes on smoothly, i won't have to worry so much about the pelamin again.still i dun want to be over excited...just hope for the best. =)
the million dollar question is...."berapa riban duit i nak abeh for something like this???" =( tak pa la kan, we'll try to come up with something affordable based on the baudget...tak mau la grand sgt
p/s: ok ka if i choose to sit on the floor instead of the chair?? hishhh..mula lah fikiran ni ligat memikirkan yg pelik2...seriously, won't it look weird if we sit on the floor??
credits to