Thursday, December 24, 2009
money matter
i love tips provided by CIMB clicks, i find their tips relevant and easy to follow.. but today i'd like to share some of the bad news regarding our financials..
5 Signs You Are In Financial Trouble
Peer pressure and lifestyle demands can put a considerable pressure on your finances. So, how do you know when to pull the brakes? Here are 5 tell-tale-signs that your finances have plunged into the danger zone:
1. Savings of less than 5% – You are supposed to save as much as 40% of your net earnings each month. When you see your savings shrinking to just 5%, it’s time to buckle up & make some dramatic changes before it’s too late!
2. Rising credit card balance – When it comes to credit card balances, try limit your balance to a max of RM2,000. eg. Once you hit the limit, refrain from using that credit card for the time being until after you have cleared all outstanding payments. Always try to pay more than just the minimum so that you don’t end up paying more interest than you had originally intended.
3. Dwindling cash pool – If a large portion of your monthly salary goes to paying loans & bills, you are likely to have gone over the edge. Anything beyond 30% of your gross income meant it’s time for some investigation as to why your bills are costing you more than it should.
4. Drowned in too many bills – Do keep an eye on your net income after deducting all your loans & utility payments obligations. If you find your remaining cash pool shrinking, it’s time to take action: cut down your expenses.
5. Sacrificing emergency funds – When you find yourself digging into your personal savings or emergency funds to pay for a purchase, it’s time to evaluate your spending & re-access your finances. Chances are you’re spending beyond your means & depleting your saving funds.
source: cimbclicks
so?? did any of u out there find yourself guilty of any of the list?? hihi...ok, i admit..i'm gulity no.5 ( sometimes ja ok!).tak heran la skang ramai betul buat online business lah, jual makanan kesihatan la, promote this and that to us.. YES, i find it a bit irritating when peole approach me to buy their products.. but if i think logically, i understand why many people nowadays tend to look for side incomes...this is their way trying to survive the world. a very demanding world, i must say...=)
p/s: i'm off to penang in the evening for the whole week and be back in 2010..hahaha macam lama ja bunyi 2010 tu.i hope to relax at kampung and recharge myself for the new semester! so have a great time everybody!! ohh, be safe.. =)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
shikin's wedding
excited gila to go to her wedding cos i think ini lah penutup wedding of this year for me la. and we did talk and exchange our views on wedding and she and her mother was so kind to recommend me her wedding planner. i mean she and her mother ,they are very helpful and baik sesangat. they know that i had no idea how to start my wedding planning and shikin was so kind by giving out all the deatils about her tailor, her pelamin dewan, her mini pelamin, etc. so i rasa syok and very motivated to start my wedding planning next year..insyaAllah. ( year pun lagi beberapa hari dr sekarang)
ok, enough blabbing.. enjoy a few pics that i manged to snap.remmeber i'm not the person who would capture the moment but rather...the type of person who enjoys the moment maybe tak banyak pics kat sini sebab i dok melantak segala macam foods yang ada...huhu...sedap! macam2 ada..dessert dia pun best.
the beautiful bride - shikin ( muka dia ada iras2 zizie ezette kan)
besarnya kerusi..ingat kerusi Mawi Ekin paling besaq..rupanya kerusi Firuz Ekin lagi besaq!
semuanya lelaki, malu lak nak mencelah. hihi
to shikin and Firus Abadi, CONGRATULAITIONS! semoga kekal abadi... =) cepat2 dapat baby!
Monday, December 21, 2009
especially for CT
anyway, here are some of the pics that i promised her to upload on my blog.. heheh..layan!
bersemayam di atas takhtanya..heheher DIY mini pelamin that she managed to pull off at the very last minute! the giant pomander balls
lat tali lat tali tam plommmm! haha..
to ct, i can't wait to be at ur wedding day pulak and we're so happy for you babe! sekian, wassalam..
ehh..ada lagi?? ;p
Thursday, December 17, 2009
this month is a good month i must a civil servant i'm sure most of us have got that extra bonus in the bank today!! yabedabeduuuuuuwww!! i really need that extra money so desperately ok... cos i haven't started saving for my road tax next year ( it's in april..still road tax kan mahal if u're using new car kan..)
okeh..i have jolted down evertything i need to put aside for this month on a piece of paper...tengok..sungguh unprofessional kan..main tulis ja budget of the month.. hmm..i need a good diary to do my budget properly in future la..hahah padahal nak dekat 3 tahun dh keja!
ok..i have a lot of reponsibilities like all of u guys out there everytime we get our gaji so nak tengok ka skit2 what i do with my money every month?? particularly this month!
1. give to mak my car
3. life insurance
4. credit card (arghhh!)
5. Astro bil
6. Electrical bil (well ususally i dun pay cos my bill is always less than rm20..last month it was only 20 cent!! betul ke TNB nihh?? ahaha..rezeki)
7. water bil
8. PTPTN (warghhhhh!! tense...manyak gila! help!! sometimes i pay but most of the time i fail to pay!!)
9. go back to hometown..( hukhuk..this is the depressing part..i can only afford to go back once a month)
10. service my car
11. aerobic class ( i serious?)
12. erkk...banyaknya benda kena bayar...belum masuk minyak and foods lg ni...aiyaakkk!
ok..after i calculate everything..i find that, it's still impossible for me to buy my dream kain nikah yet... ;-(
knowing my style, i won't settle for second best..or buy something for the sake of to say that all the preparations have to be postponed until the money in my bank is ready...hahah..bukan i yg suppose to be ready tp duit pulak kena ready...
so friends,..bersyukurlah dengan apa yg kita ada walaupun sedikit..and work hard for everything that we not wait and rely on others too much..this is what i always keep telling myself everytime i feel so down and see other people's preparations..buying this and that..having this and that..while i'm on the other end, having nothing just yet..but then again,.i'm sure my time will come..until then i just have to remain positive and be happy and excited for everything that is going on in my life at present...kan!! =)
p/s: forgot to include my phone bill... =(
yours truly,
Monday, December 14, 2009
desperately in need of a good vacation

the atmostphere of the office pun a bit suram since many of us are gone for holiday or gone back to respective kampungs..bestnya! what the heck am i still doing here in the office?? ngeheeeee... i still have 10 days annual leaves which i have no idea how to finish and definitely it will be burnt just like that this year (like always!) =(
i desperately want to go some where for a break. but i have nobody to go with to enjoy the places and go crazy...and be goofy... sheshhh!! still wishing all my besties are not married yet.., *sigh* i wish i'm married! hahah...erm, also i really wish to bring my mak somewhere nice where she could shop and see new things but i'm no street wise...i could only bring her around penang, and still get lost in the middle of it..hahaaa...maybe in the near future la kot.. i hope we could go some place nice away from penang a little beramai-ramai..
well as off for now, how do i plan to finish at least half of the balance of my annual leave? i have got a few wedding invitations, engagement invitation and nikah i plan to take leave and be at all the events!hahah...syok jugak tengok orang kawen kan? ohh! go jalan2 with finace too...hihih..jadi la kan..nak pi jauh2 tak buleh.. *wink*
p/s : a lovely friend from FB asking to join her on Star i'm thinking...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak,
I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbyes
I nearly do
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak, I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
Louder, louderAnd we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak, I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say Leona Lewis!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
having a panic attack for ur big day already??

Friday, December 4, 2009
health concious?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
emotional wreck!
well, at first i was happy to learn that finally fiance decided to have his own Facebook after a long waiting and a long persuading...guess what?? suddenly it srtuck me hard...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
for the last 2 days i have been dedicating my mind n soul marking my students' already half way through... but honestly said.. it ain't easy...cos i really really really have to focus...after a while it really weigh me down...penat otak! and inside my brain i couldn't help screaming at those anwer scripts...and occasionally i blurt out some cursing words.. i wish to strangle my students cos they could not answer a really simple question where the anwer is just right in front of their freaking eyes!! READ!!! they don't read!! arghhhh....i need to stop marking for a while cos i really am not in a stable state of mind where i could mark peacefully...i thought of not blogging for the whole of this week cos i wanted to keep up with the time that is running so fast...i have to key IN all marks by friday! GOSH!! what did i do to keep my mind off blog hopping?? hahah..i turn off the PC on my desk and take off the wire and stuff...hahaha..still i miss my blog and many other blog that i indulge every single day and i surrender to an evil whisper that keep pestering me to write something on my blog today...*sigh*
ok..what to write?? honestly, i have no idea.. maybe i should share 1 thing that i have in mind since a few weeks ago...well, check this out
i fell in love instantly with it the first time i laid my eyes on it...i thought how sweet the dress looks not so formal yet not too casual for a i rite??
well, my fiance and i kind of decided of having a small ceremony on his side like an evening tea or nite gathering of close families and friends to replace a typical wedding feast like normally we have in our mind...on his side we wanted something small yet full of wedding would be small and hopefully it would not turn out like a birthday party pulak!! ngeheheh..since i'm not gonna wear the typical wedding baju, and since the majlis won't be like a typical majlis kahwin, so i thought of not having any baju sanding, sanggul,or things related to it..but still i want to feel like a bride by choosing something like the above..but my 3 major concerns are...1st, will our family accept this concept?? (not having a typical wedding) and 2nd, I'M AS FAT AS A COW~! anyone normal know that i would fit into this!! my body won't look flatter in it unless i loose all the weight that i should :'( and lastly, where on earth could i get a tailor that could make my dream dress???? gulp!! S.O.S
btw, sorry about quality of the pic yang kurang jelas itu ya..cos that's the only pic i manage to grab from the web.. i just love the cutting and the overall's so simple and sweet and sopan..i mean takdak la over sgt kan for majlis yg kecil pada waktu petang or i wish i could have this...well if im blessed with lotsa money i would definitely go straight to the designer of this dress see if he could figure something out for me...unfortunately...NOT!! hahah...